Entebbe Airport – day 23

Finally ready to fly home.

Yesterday the team went to another village to deliver an idea that I had introduced – The Feely bag!


A simple idea to add to the senses game that the children already play.


Here the volunteer parents are enjoying playing the game for themselves.

The mission was deemed a success and we returned in time for a shower and a snooze before going out for my final night. The treat was on me!


First a drink at the Paradise Hotel with the mighty river in the background. It had to be Nile Special.

And then on to Mati Mahal which you might guess is an Indian restaurant selling my favourite.




Three left handers on the same side of the table!

It was a great evening with many speeches made in a noisy restaurant. I gave each one a gift (wrapped in blue shiny paper). In many cases these were some of my own possessions that I needn’t carry home. Ronald, who has the same taste in shirts as myself got one of my shirts! Salma got my treasured torch. It was all good fun.

And so difficult to leave today at 2.00pm for the long drive just to get to the airport. Four hours of hot traffic around Kampala on a Friday evening. So now I’ve got 4 hours at the airport before I can check in.

It’s been a great experience which I would not have missed for the world. I’ve got more things to blog but I think I’ll wait until I get home and see everything in perspective. I’ll leave you with two of my favourite pictures.







Author: robjohnsey

I'm the Artist in Residence at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall. I will be exhibiting my sculptures in the museum from November to April 2017. Also my second blog is about my visit to Uganda to work with an educational charity Lively Minds.

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