Birthday at Ntinda – day 21


Lively Minds makes a big thing about graduating from their play scheme to primary school at the age of 6 or 7. It was a colourful occasion.


We arrived on the dot of 3 and everyone was there – much to my surprise. (It often takes a few minutes to gather an audience.) But today there were about 50 seated children, benches of proud mothers and fathers and the parent volunteers who run the play centre. We had village dignitaries presenting certificates to the 38 “graduating” children. These were the head master of the school who was very complimentary about what Lively Minds does. He says it has made his job much easier and can clearly see the difference between the Lively Minds children and the others. It was a great incentive for the parents present to start enrolling their 3 year olds into the scheme. The village chairman took pride in presenting the certificates while both parents and volunteer parents made testimonies about the good work of Lively Minds. It was all rather nice and good natured.





I started taking pictures of each graduate getting his certificate but had to give up after about 15 of them. Ugandans generally don’t mind having their picture taken and I’m very pleased with my x20 zoom which allows me to get close without imposing on the subjects. There are lots of very good looking people, adults and children, to capture on “film”. I now have a lovely picture gallery before I go home tomorrow.


Mike who had the unenviable task of writing each child’s name quickly as they came up for their certificate.

And the lovely Josie enjoying herself as she reads out names.


Anyway thank you Ntinda for the party atmosphere.

Tonight we all go out for a drink and a meal together – perhaps another Goan fish curry?

Author: robjohnsey

I'm the Artist in Residence at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall. I will be exhibiting my sculptures in the museum from November to April 2017. Also my second blog is about my visit to Uganda to work with an educational charity Lively Minds.

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