Jinja – day 19


Today’s blog involves pigs and – well you know what. For my Ugandan friends there is an English expression which says “Someone is as happy as pigs in shit”. Which means very happy.

Today we went to Isiri to present an activity on Manure – and how to make it. For manure read compost. The road was good and then very bad. Mike had to negotiate many a hole and rut in the mud road. We got to a place where the “hole” was the size of a car and had mud and water in it. Not only that there were two baby pigs wallowing in the middle! It’s OK they did move out as we approached.

As you already know Lively Minds is not just about play centres for children but also about educating the mostly mothers who run these centres. So today was about how the parents could set up their own compost heap in their gardens. It involved a special Lively Minds formula including leaves, ash, dark soil and urine. The session was going well until it was realised that there wasn’t any urine. Suddenly half the mothers went off and came back with some in a bowl. Don’t know where they got it from!

Anyway back now with a coffee after my shower to cool down. Have to go out tonight for a meal and a Nile Special at Surjios just down the road just to get internet to send this.DSC00258Itanda Falls wih Mike, Salma and Josie

Surjios is a perfect place where you can stay for about £60 a night B&B. It has a pool , is off the beaten track and a really nice garden which I was appreciating yesterday for the first time in the daylight. Nice veranda, nice vegetation and a smashing view of the Nile in the distance. And WiFi.

So that was yesterday morning but in the afternoon I went with Mike, Salma and Josephine to Itanda falls about an hour’s drive down the Nile. They were a bit dramatic.


On Saturday, having been left alone for the weekend, I went to discover the source of the Nile! It was a short walk from the house and then a short boat ride. Of course it’s impossible to find the source of a mighty river when it pours out of a huge lake (Lake Victoria) but I reckon I found it. At one time in recent history there were huge waterfalls here to mark the beginning of the White Nile’s journey. Rippon Falls I think. Then a huge dam was built and the waters backed up to level with the lake and so no more falls.

Author: robjohnsey

I'm the Artist in Residence at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall. I will be exhibiting my sculptures in the museum from November to April 2017. Also my second blog is about my visit to Uganda to work with an educational charity Lively Minds.

One thought on “Jinja – day 19”

  1. It all sounds amazing! But still no mention of crocodiles. I have to tell you though that I heard somewhere that you can’t use women’s urine in a compost heap because of hormones….only men’s offerings. Think it was on Gardener’s World….


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