Jinja day 14

Woke up this morning with a dozen ideas to fill the day. Achieved about a quarter of these but I committed myself to giving 3 more talks to the staff over the next week.


I worked with Salma to complete my own notes on each of the Lively Minds games for children in the villages. Now I’m working on using almost the same equipment to create new and extending activities. “Sorting skills” tomorrow. Then “New jig-saws” and “making presentations”.

Today we went to visit Kaliro to give a talk on how to improve your self esteem. Lively Minds seems to be educating the mothers of each village as well as their children. All the talks I’ve been to have been very well received by the mothers (and some fathers). I don’t understand a word that is being said (though I do have the written lesson plan in English) but I can see in the faces of the participants that they love it.

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Salma and a mother in Kaliro. Sugar cane in the background.




That’s it I’m stuffed full of pizza and beer in this Wifi restaurant. Time to go.

Author: robjohnsey

I'm the Artist in Residence at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall. I will be exhibiting my sculptures in the museum from November to April 2017. Also my second blog is about my visit to Uganda to work with an educational charity Lively Minds.

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