Bujagali Falls – days 10/11


Thought I’d get away for the weekend to a place not far from Jinja. Bit of a backpacker’s place. I’m sleeping in a pre-erected tent. It’s cheap.


I have just been kayaking on the Nile.



Bujagali no longer has falls. A second dam was built down stream and the falls/rapids have become submerged in the Bujagali lake. Just as well, I wasn’t about to kayak down rapids at my age.

I still had to fight against the current a bit on my sit-on-top kayak so I kept close to the edge. And in doing so I disturbed the most amazing collection of tropical birds you can imagine. Every 5 metres or so there was something to watch. No camera so no pics sorry. There were kingfishers to put ours to shame. Bright red-orange plumage together with the blue we are used to. There were cormorant type birds in the trees ready to roost for the night. White egrets and black and white double kingfisher-sized birds that would hover over the water like a kestrel. Then dive for the fish. They had straight black beaks with a black highwayman mask over the eyes. Any ideas?

Also, large, evil, black, stork-like birds but best of all? A pair of white-tailed, white-headed eagles sitting on posts near an island. I got within about 10 metres of them. Not bad eh?

There are monkeys in the trees here, scavenging like seagulls. And backpackers on laptops like me. It’s ok for a weekend but I’m looking forward to getting back to work next week.


My bedroom for the night. And I don’t like camping much!



Wild life!

Actually it was a bit dull by Sunday. I’ve come home already.


Author: robjohnsey

I'm the Artist in Residence at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall. I will be exhibiting my sculptures in the museum from November to April 2017. Also my second blog is about my visit to Uganda to work with an educational charity Lively Minds.

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