Jinja day 6


Another eventful day in which I talked to Ronald about his environmental work with local school children, talked Brexit, the Queen and the FBI involvement in Ugandan crime with Michael and visited a village (Kanama) to work with playscheme mothers.



Also ate my first piece of sweet, sticky Jack fruit, ejected a small green frog from my bathroom and walked into town at 6pm for coffee and cake. Saw storks the size of small airplanes flying over the town, then 20 of them roosting in the same tree for the night.

Lively Minds has a great team of 7 here who have made me very welcome but more importantly are interested in my experiences in the world to the extent that they ask questions all the time. They are mostly in their 20s and 30s, very competent in what they do and keen to structure their working day effectively. I couldn’t have found myself in a better volunteer’s position.

Strange things are happening. I have gone almost teetotal, I have given up milk in coffee and tea and eat exotic fresh fruits every day for breakfast. There don’t seem to be any mosquitos touch wood but there was a major power cut all last night so by this morning the fridge had leaked over the kitchen floor. Also I have promised to give some elementary French lessons to some of the staff! Neighbouring Rawanda and Democratic Republic of Congo are French speaking.

The visit to Kanama was colourful and resulted in a workshop on how to extend the difficulty of the playscheme games. The mothers (and two fathers) all seemed to enjoy themselves as they tried out the new games. Things like matching 2 sticks to the length of another one and matching pictures onto cards. Here are some more pictures taken today in Kanama village.









Author: robjohnsey

I'm the Artist in Residence at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall. I will be exhibiting my sculptures in the museum from November to April 2017. Also my second blog is about my visit to Uganda to work with an educational charity Lively Minds.

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