Jinja day 5


The church at Bulakabaya

Had a really good day.

Discussed buying a few essentials for the kitchen with Josephine.

Talked about my crazy idea for providing incentives for the mothers to attend Activity meetings after the problems on Friday. We all decided it was too crazy to offer incentives. There are lots of good reasons for this but essentially Lively Minds want to empower its participants and this often doesn’t work if free rewards are offered.

This afternoon we set off to a village, Bulakabya, to do an Activity workshop on the value of the family unit. Another well written lesson plan as before. When we got to the village after an hour’s drive, there was no-one around, even though the start time was right then. Some mothers did turn up a half hour later but after an hour and 10 minutes we had to cancel even though a bit later we almost had a full contingent. We’ll go back on Friday to try again. Once again planting crops, illness and a court case prevented full attendance.

Sarah explained how many of the villagers were hungry because of crop shortage and the dry season. This made it all the more difficult to accept a gift of dried beans from a lady we went to visit later. She was a major influence in the running of the play schemes but had fallen ill with kidney problems and was unable to help today.

Got some cold beers on the way back through town. (I’ve only had one since I arrived here!) Power cut this evening so I wandered down to get a take-away pizza to go with the beers. Sitting on the veranda under the stars with my house mate. It doesn’t get much better than this. Pity about the mossies.



Salma and Sarah waiting, waiting


An outside kitchen usually covered with a grass roof


Bricks after firing used for some local houses



Author: robjohnsey

I'm the Artist in Residence at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall. I will be exhibiting my sculptures in the museum from November to April 2017. Also my second blog is about my visit to Uganda to work with an educational charity Lively Minds.

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