Jinja – day 2


The thing is today we tried to run a short course for the volunteer mothers on wellbeing and self esteem but we had to cancel.


Josephine with lunch


Michael, Josephine and I drove through the countryside to reach a relatively remote village called Kivubuka. Lively Minds doesn’t just work with young children but also gives regular boosts to the volunteer mothers who run the play schemes. It makes so much sense.

We had discussed the short workshop in the morning. All the elements of a well thought out presentation were there. Question and answer, starting from where the mothers were, small group discussions etc. The team asked if I would read out the text of the course and they would then translate. It’s when I first used the phrase “I’d like to be a fly on the wall”. I refused, saying that the mothers should understand that the courses were actually written and conceived by local Ugandans. They didn’t need me getting in the way. This was ok with everyone. I did make a small input by discussing details of the course with the presenters.

Anyway we got there and sat around but unfortunately it had rained heavily the night before and so some of the mothers were busy planting crops in the softened soil. Eleven out of 20 turned up eventually but it’s Lively Minds policy not to run an activity unless a full audience attends. The activity was rescheduled for next week when Michael is sure that up to 30 will attend once word gets around.

The countryside is beautiful. Sunshine and warmth with a cool breeze. Small coffee plantations alongside banana and maize. Even larger sugar cane fields on the way there. Coffee is the biggest export and I am drinking some of it every day. Once I find the cake shop all will be fine. Josephine pointed it out as we drove home so tomorrow ………..!

We shared a pizza tonight from just down the road.

Author: robjohnsey

I'm the Artist in Residence at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall. I will be exhibiting my sculptures in the museum from November to April 2017. Also my second blog is about my visit to Uganda to work with an educational charity Lively Minds.

One thought on “Jinja – day 2”

  1. And there I was, thinking you’d be deprived of cake for a few weeks!! Must have been disappointing that the workshop was cancelled. You weren’t invited to help with the planting?


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